....remember when THE SIMPSONS didn't suck?
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Lisa: "I heard you last night, Bart. You prayed for this. Now your prayers have been answered. I'm no theologian. I don't know who or what God is, exactly. All I know is he's a force more powerful than Mom and Dad put together, and you owe him big."
....remember when THE SIMPSONS didn't suck?
....remember when THE SIMPSONS didn't suck?
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Three day weekend. Hot as fuck. SF is the place to be. I'm gonna sleep in on Monday. Saturday and Sunday, on the other hand . . . .
If you don't know . . .
Fuck school. I'm not gonna look at my books til Tuesday morning.
If you don't know . . .
Fuck school. I'm not gonna look at my books til Tuesday morning.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Friday, August 1, 2008
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK. I just had the worst conversation of my life. It was with a robot (of Indian origin, i assume). What fucking genius thought up of the idea for robots to handle appointments and shit over the phone? Fuck. So fucking frustrating. Gaaaah. It's especially more frustrating since I went through puberty last week and i guess my voice isn't as decipherable as it once was.
ROBOT: Please, state your first name
ME: Joe
ROBOT: I'm sorry, i didn't get that. Please, state your name
ROBOT: I'm sorry, i didn't get that. Please, state your name
Operator: I'm sorry, I didn't get that. Please wait while i transfer your call to the nearest available operator
BITCH! I should've been hooked up to a fucking operator in the first place. I don't trust robots. The first chance they get, they'll turn on you. Haven't we learned ANYTHING from the Terminator movies? Gaaaaah what the fuck. I want those 20 minutes of my life back! I could've, like, jerked off 4 times within that span of time.
ROBOT: Please, state your first name
ME: Joe
ROBOT: I'm sorry, i didn't get that. Please, state your name
ROBOT: I'm sorry, i didn't get that. Please, state your name
Operator: I'm sorry, I didn't get that. Please wait while i transfer your call to the nearest available operator
BITCH! I should've been hooked up to a fucking operator in the first place. I don't trust robots. The first chance they get, they'll turn on you. Haven't we learned ANYTHING from the Terminator movies? Gaaaaah what the fuck. I want those 20 minutes of my life back! I could've, like, jerked off 4 times within that span of time.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Monday, July 14, 2008
Thursday, July 10, 2008
i skated at the new Potrero park this morning at like 6. Jake Phelps was there. He has old man elbows. He was quite the gentleman (which is a far cry from what he apparently was at a contest i went to a bunch of years ago). I think he wanted to get in a quick session before work. Fuck, that place is gnarly. A lot of chicks frequent the park, too. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeah.
Fuck, MAMMA MIA comes out soon. I love ABBA. I hope i'm not the only (straight) guy in the theater.
i want this:
Fuck, MAMMA MIA comes out soon. I love ABBA. I hope i'm not the only (straight) guy in the theater.
i want this:
Thursday, July 3, 2008
What can i say? Well, for one thing, i can't say i'm surprised. I knew what was gonna happen.Or did I?
I'm actually not that bummed. The only real gripe i have is that i have to wait TWO FUCKING WEEKS to do it again. Too many teens out and about, probably. Thanks a lot SUMMERTIME. You're a real bummer. A fox . . . but a bummer, nevertheless. Once again, for the one-millionth time, GOD has fucked me over. Screw you, you FUCKING SON-OF-A-BITCH. Wait, GOD doesn't have a mother . . . or a father for that matter. I guess that makes him a FUCKING BASTARD.
Shit, i think i just totally totally screwed up the cosmic balance of the universe, didn't i? Sorry GOD! You know i'm just playin'!!! (or AM i?)
aaaaah shit, Heather Graham. I'll have you in my clutches. Someday.

Fuck red ferrari's
I'm actually not that bummed. The only real gripe i have is that i have to wait TWO FUCKING WEEKS to do it again. Too many teens out and about, probably. Thanks a lot SUMMERTIME. You're a real bummer. A fox . . . but a bummer, nevertheless. Once again, for the one-millionth time, GOD has fucked me over. Screw you, you FUCKING SON-OF-A-BITCH. Wait, GOD doesn't have a mother . . . or a father for that matter. I guess that makes him a FUCKING BASTARD.
Shit, i think i just totally totally screwed up the cosmic balance of the universe, didn't i? Sorry GOD! You know i'm just playin'!!! (or AM i?)
aaaaah shit, Heather Graham. I'll have you in my clutches. Someday.
Fuck red ferrari's
Thursday, June 26, 2008
In my youth, I was TOTALLY into wrestling. Nah, none of that olympic gold medal shit. I watched the REAL stuff (which, ironically, is also the FAKE stuff). I like blood, and tits, and steel chairs, and tits, and battle royales, and tits, and finally . . . tits. Wrestling embodied all those attributes and and whole lot more. I've never been fortunate enough to attend a live wrestling show. I would always hear about Monday Night Raw or Monday Night Nitro coming to the Cow Palace or some shit, and always get bummed when my parents wouldn't take me. Because of that, there has always been a little teeny tiny empty hole in my heart that has never been filled. Due to a certain event known as "growing the fuck up," my passion for half-naked men grappling in each others arms has sorta kinda fizzled out. With that said, i'm afraid i'll never experience the spectacle of professional wrestling live and in the sweaty flesh.
Well, i just saw an 80 year old woman get right-hooked to the face, so i guess that's the next best thing.
And she was wearing GLASSES!
These dudes were i guess trying to steal the cash register from 88 Rice Bowl. Who the fuck tries to steal an actual cash register? I took a look at those cats, and from the looks of them, i doubt they could carry a Thanksgiving turkey (much less a cash register). Well, when their plans blew up in their face they tried to escape....too bad the manager lady was blocking their way. One of the dudes flat-out SOCKED her in the eye . . . which of course broke her glasses. One of the workers there was wearing a white shirt, which quickly turned to red when he helped her to a seat to rest up.
I saw the aftermath in her face: it was disgusting. It was all swollen shut, and there's no doubt in my mind that there were a few shards of doctor-prescribed glass lodged in her eyeball and surrounding regions.
I saw the dude strut his way out of there. Nope, he didn't run, He STRUTTED. Like fucking John Travolta in SATURDAY NIGHT FEVER. The dude is sort of an asshole, but i gotta give him props for style. I haven't seen such stylish combat maneuvers since . . . well, since ever. It was sorta like Michael Jackson in the music video for "Smooth Criminal"
THE DARK KNIGHT comes out in like 2 weeks and fuuuuuck i really feel like i let Heath Ledger down. If he were in my undead shoes, he would've dropped his Skatebook #2 and James Kelch New Era hat to the floor, and tackled that hubba-hoodrat-hoochie to the ground. That's what HEROES do. Oh shit, doesn't he play the Joker? The Joker's the antagonist of the movie, right? WHOOPS.
In other news, the girls of my dreams were at the FTC party tonight! OH shit, i took a Polaroid of them with my mind and saved it in my DO NOT ERASE file.
i took a picture of the back of her head with my phone but the quality of it stinks like crotch . . . so here's a somewhat stream-of-conscious picture post that will hopefully capture and project her spirit faithfully:
fuck it, i'm too lazy to post any pictures. Lets just say she was a mix of the girl who plays Luna Lovegood in the HARRY POTTER movies, courtney love, and Tinkerbell (the animated version, NOT julia roberts). Mmmmm, what a yummy combination.
CHIPOTLE was giving out FREE burritos today and oooh wee are they a doozey. I suggest requesting extra cum . . . errr, i mean sour cream. Is that what i meant? Maybe. I went down to Westlake Shopping Center and MAN it looks differennnnnnnnnnnt. I haven't been there since they closed down JC Penny. So what is that . . . like, 8 years?
I saw THE WACKNESS last night. It was alright. I dunno, i've been bored with everything lately. It's by no means horrible, though. The soundtrack is killer, and the film really captured the 90's perfectly. Olivia Thirlby is hottttttt, and Mary-Kate Olson steals the show. I had no idea she had actual, legitimate acting chops. She's in the movie for a full 5 minutes, but those 5 minutes are superb.
fuck it, i'm too lazy to post any pictures. Lets just say she was a mix of the girl who plays Luna Lovegood in the HARRY POTTER movies, courtney love, and Tinkerbell (the animated version, NOT julia roberts). Mmmmm, what a yummy combination.
CHIPOTLE was giving out FREE burritos today and oooh wee are they a doozey. I suggest requesting extra cum . . . errr, i mean sour cream. Is that what i meant? Maybe. I went down to Westlake Shopping Center and MAN it looks differennnnnnnnnnnt. I haven't been there since they closed down JC Penny. So what is that . . . like, 8 years?
I saw THE WACKNESS last night. It was alright. I dunno, i've been bored with everything lately. It's by no means horrible, though. The soundtrack is killer, and the film really captured the 90's perfectly. Olivia Thirlby is hottttttt, and Mary-Kate Olson steals the show. I had no idea she had actual, legitimate acting chops. She's in the movie for a full 5 minutes, but those 5 minutes are superb.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
I was watching the news this morning and Sal Castaneda told me not to eat tomatoes or something anymore . . . and you know what? Fuck you, man! I'll eat as much tomatoes as i want you big fucking liar! Remember that time you said it was gonna be a hot scorching day, and it ended up raining?!?!?!? I got super soaked! Haha, the jokes on you Sal! I went to the gayest building in all of San Francisco this morning to do some gay stuff and i got treated to lunch . . . Escape from New York Pizza - veggie, pestato, bbq chicken, and margeretta. Oh, and some idiot ordered one box of Hawaiian. Good job, genius! Well yeah, there were hella tomatoes up in there, and i refused to take a single one off.

i'm starting to feel a little sick.
i'm starting to feel a little sick.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
. . . but the new N.E.R.D album is actually pretty good. The entire disc just leaked out and i took it upon myself to not support the band and download the album onto my desktop free-of-charge. Take that, Pharell! The Asian dude is cool, though. Fuck, i feel guilty now.
Ok, guilt gone! Track number 7 in particular is quite epic.

Pharell wouldn't last SIX SECONDS at CSP:
Ok, guilt gone! Track number 7 in particular is quite epic.
Pharell wouldn't last SIX SECONDS at CSP:
Thursday, May 29, 2008
3 hour season finale of LOST just ended. I can't believe it's gonna be a whole fucking year til season 5 starts. TORTUUUUUUUUUUUURE.
I saw MISTER LONELY today and mannnn was i disappointed! I liked Harmony Korine better when he was doped up on heroin. Fuuuuck.

ohhhhhhhhh shit, check this ouuuuut!

I saw MISTER LONELY today and mannnn was i disappointed! I liked Harmony Korine better when he was doped up on heroin. Fuuuuck.
ohhhhhhhhh shit, check this ouuuuut!
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Friday, May 16, 2008
...and the hotter-than-thou heatwave San Francisco is currently experiencing sure as fuck isn't helping. I just took a shower last night and when i woke up this morning it smelled like a donkey shot himself in the temple and his brains splattered all over my bedsheets. I've been thinking about shaving my pubes for a while now. Maybe that will help with the smell? My friend Earl told me that shaving his pubes was the best decision he ever made. In middle school i used to apply Old Spice on my ballsack. But then it got all flaky and i got scared cause i thought i contracted the "crabs" or some shit.
School is ovvvvvvvvvvvvvvver and i'm gonna try to be out-and-about every single day before summer school starts. Tobin Yelland is having a photo show at Hamburger Eyes this Sunday and i'm hoping i can make it. Since i'll be in The Mission, i might as well look for a blazer for my cousin's wedding in June. I've had my eye on the "1970's leisure suits" rack at Clothes Contact for a long while now.
School is ovvvvvvvvvvvvvvver and i'm gonna try to be out-and-about every single day before summer school starts. Tobin Yelland is having a photo show at Hamburger Eyes this Sunday and i'm hoping i can make it. Since i'll be in The Mission, i might as well look for a blazer for my cousin's wedding in June. I've had my eye on the "1970's leisure suits" rack at Clothes Contact for a long while now.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Oh shit i went to MOONSTAR today and, like, there was this girl there and she was eating this chicken nugget kabob rather sensually, and i used my imagination and replaced the kabob with my friend Earl's penis and i was all like "damn grrrl! I didn't know you were half-Black?!!?!?!"

Oh shit and they got this chocolate fountain there and i acted as if it was a water fountain. Needless to say, i was quite stoked.
Too bad i ended up vomiting about a fourth of it when i got home.
Oh shit and they got this chocolate fountain there and i acted as if it was a water fountain. Needless to say, i was quite stoked.
Too bad i ended up vomiting about a fourth of it when i got home.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
I just saw a few clips of Hilary "Hil-Rod" Clinton, Barrack "The Barrack" Obama, and John McCainmaniaorwhateverlameassnamehecameupwith on what i assume was Monday Night Raw? I don't really watch wrestling anymore, so I'm not really sure. All i remember is that it was sooooo fucking stupid.
All 3 were totally reading off cue cards! LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAME.
Fucking losers. Is Larry Flynt still running for Prez? Shit. He'd be great. Fuck those other hoes.
All 3 were totally reading off cue cards! LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAME.
Fucking losers. Is Larry Flynt still running for Prez? Shit. He'd be great. Fuck those other hoes.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Tonights episode was sooooooooooooooooooooo tasty!
Michelle Tractenberg is gonna be in next weeks episode. I hate her.
Tonights episode was sooooooooooooooooooooo tasty!
Michelle Tractenberg is gonna be in next weeks episode. I hate her.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
...and with blonde hair, no less:

Brunette...blonde....whatever. Still smokin'
She posted up 2 brand spanking new demos on her myspace, and they are very very very good. That's 3 "very"'s ! ! There's nothing higher than 3 "very"s! Well, maybe 4.
Weezer also just released a new single and i guess it's tolerable. What do i know? For all i know, it could be fucking amazing. It's just that whenever i hear something new from them, i have no choice but to compare it to the masterpiece known as PINKERTON. So far they haven't been able to reach that level of lyrical supremacy. Oh wells.
Brunette...blonde....whatever. Still smokin'
She posted up 2 brand spanking new demos on her myspace, and they are very very very good. That's 3 "very"'s ! ! There's nothing higher than 3 "very"s! Well, maybe 4.
Weezer also just released a new single and i guess it's tolerable. What do i know? For all i know, it could be fucking amazing. It's just that whenever i hear something new from them, i have no choice but to compare it to the masterpiece known as PINKERTON. So far they haven't been able to reach that level of lyrical supremacy. Oh wells.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
I have a Nutrition test tomorrow, and instead of studying like i should be (cause i've been practically sleeping in class for the past 2 months), i'm watching "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" on YouTube.
i suck.

Is it just me, or are all the girls in the Harry Potter movies fucking attractive as hell? Who's the casting director for all these films? He/she is a fucking genius! Gaaah.
The redhead one, the smart one, the Irish one and the Asian one. Man, foreign accents and schoolgirl uniforms are a perfect fit.
And even though she was all deranged and loony and shit, Helena Bonham Carter was still hot. Once again, another example of how a foreign accent could make all the more difference.
oh, and the new Phantom Planet record came out today and i need to buy it. It's good. I went to a concert of theirs last week and it was great.....despite all the fucking annoying girls screaming and dancing around like demon-possessed idiots . Fuck. I wish the concert was "boys only."
i suck.
Is it just me, or are all the girls in the Harry Potter movies fucking attractive as hell? Who's the casting director for all these films? He/she is a fucking genius! Gaaah.
The redhead one, the smart one, the Irish one and the Asian one. Man, foreign accents and schoolgirl uniforms are a perfect fit.
And even though she was all deranged and loony and shit, Helena Bonham Carter was still hot. Once again, another example of how a foreign accent could make all the more difference.
oh, and the new Phantom Planet record came out today and i need to buy it. It's good. I went to a concert of theirs last week and it was great.....despite all the fucking annoying girls screaming and dancing around like demon-possessed idiots . Fuck. I wish the concert was "boys only."
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Oooooooh wee, she was hot. I should've taken a picture of her with the shitty camera built into my phone. But every time i snap a pic of anything, it makes a really loud sound effect. Like......the sound of a shutter. And i can't for the life of me figure out how to turn it off, or at least turn it down.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh noooooooooooooo! I'm starting to forget how she looks like! Shit. She's fading away from my memory as I type! Noooooooooooooo! Fuck. Fuck. Ummmmmmmmmm....no!!!! She's gone. Fuck.
She had an appreciation for the color orange. I find that strangely attractive. Freckles, pale complextion, jet black hair - the whole shebang.
She kinda had a Zooey Deshcanel/Lisa Loeb/Tina Fey/Vampira/Velma from "Scooby Doo" thing goin' on.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh noooooooooooooo! I'm starting to forget how she looks like! Shit. She's fading away from my memory as I type! Noooooooooooooo! Fuck. Fuck. Ummmmmmmmmm....no!!!! She's gone. Fuck.
She had an appreciation for the color orange. I find that strangely attractive. Freckles, pale complextion, jet black hair - the whole shebang.
She kinda had a Zooey Deshcanel/Lisa Loeb/Tina Fey/Vampira/Velma from "Scooby Doo" thing goin' on.
Friday, April 4, 2008
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
i fucked up my hand.
I accidentally grabbed onto a bunch of barbwire in an attempt to stop myself from falling off my board. I should've just fell.
It feels all numb and tingly. I feel like chopping the fucker off cause there's really no use for it anymore.
I hope i never get crucified. Do they still consider that a form of punishment? Or would it be considered too cruel and unusual? In my opinion, ALL punishments should be cruel and unusual (unusual = comedy). I know they don't use the electric chair anymore and stuff....but what about "death by crucifixion on top of a mountain top at high noon?" Fuck. Note to self: never go to jail

Oh, and there's this motherfucker who works at DLXSF who is pretty much a big fucking asshole who can suck my dick. Fuck you, fucker.
I accidentally grabbed onto a bunch of barbwire in an attempt to stop myself from falling off my board. I should've just fell.
It feels all numb and tingly. I feel like chopping the fucker off cause there's really no use for it anymore.
I hope i never get crucified. Do they still consider that a form of punishment? Or would it be considered too cruel and unusual? In my opinion, ALL punishments should be cruel and unusual (unusual = comedy). I know they don't use the electric chair anymore and stuff....but what about "death by crucifixion on top of a mountain top at high noon?" Fuck. Note to self: never go to jail
Oh, and there's this motherfucker who works at DLXSF who is pretty much a big fucking asshole who can suck my dick. Fuck you, fucker.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Thursday, March 6, 2008
There was a girl on the M train who looked like Chloe Sevigny

Chloe Sevigny is hot. So was this girl.
On the subject of MUNI:
i just heard their raising the fast pass price from 45 to 60 bucks. WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!
Oh, and there's this store on Van Ness called American Rag...and yeah, they fucking suck. I hate hate hate the people that work there. They have a GREAT selection of beanies for dirt cheap, though.
Chloe Sevigny is hot. So was this girl.
On the subject of MUNI:
i just heard their raising the fast pass price from 45 to 60 bucks. WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!
Oh, and there's this store on Van Ness called American Rag...and yeah, they fucking suck. I hate hate hate the people that work there. They have a GREAT selection of beanies for dirt cheap, though.
Monday, February 18, 2008
....hands down, the tastiest thing to ever enter my mouth (well, except for maybe cock)
Damn Chester, you really outdid yourself this time. I forgive you for giving birth to that bastard child of yours known as "Flamin' Hot." Fuck that kid. I don't get all the hype. You can't even taste the CHEESE! Maybe he was adopted and/or is a test tube baby?
But i still don't forgive you for "Puffs." Those flat out SUCK.
Friday, February 15, 2008
TIME - 10:45 IN THE AM
NAME: unknown
AGE: she looked between the ages of 19 and 24
ETHNICITY: Caucasian
LAST KNOWN WHEREABOUTS: the 71 MUNI bus heading down Haight St. towards the Ferry Building
OTHER COMMENTS: she was sporting a nice looking pair of Nancy Sinatra-esque knee high boots. I eavesdropped on her cellphone conversation and apparently she was going to the DeYoung Museum to stare at stuff, and afterwards was going to meet up with whoever she was talking to on the phone to catch a movie (lucky bastard). Oh, and she looked like a peach-haired life sized version of Tinkerbell (which in of itself is a MAJOR boner inducer). We also happened to both be wearing identical palatinate purple corduroys. She, of course, looked better in them.
TIME - 10:45 IN THE AM
NAME: unknown
AGE: she looked between the ages of 19 and 24
ETHNICITY: Caucasian
LAST KNOWN WHEREABOUTS: the 71 MUNI bus heading down Haight St. towards the Ferry Building
OTHER COMMENTS: she was sporting a nice looking pair of Nancy Sinatra-esque knee high boots. I eavesdropped on her cellphone conversation and apparently she was going to the DeYoung Museum to stare at stuff, and afterwards was going to meet up with whoever she was talking to on the phone to catch a movie (lucky bastard). Oh, and she looked like a peach-haired life sized version of Tinkerbell (which in of itself is a MAJOR boner inducer). We also happened to both be wearing identical palatinate purple corduroys. She, of course, looked better in them.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Monday, January 7, 2008
I wanted to like this:

..but it wasn't likable.
Melonie Diaz is hot, though. And i was sitting a few seats away from an intoxicated Mos Def. So i guess the entire evening wasn't a loss after all.
I'm really hating the rise in prices for BART. All in all, i spent 6 bucks on transportation to and from a movie that i didn't enjoy.
..but it wasn't likable.
Melonie Diaz is hot, though. And i was sitting a few seats away from an intoxicated Mos Def. So i guess the entire evening wasn't a loss after all.
I'm really hating the rise in prices for BART. All in all, i spent 6 bucks on transportation to and from a movie that i didn't enjoy.
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