I'm actually not that bummed. The only real gripe i have is that i have to wait TWO FUCKING WEEKS to do it again. Too many teens out and about, probably. Thanks a lot SUMMERTIME. You're a real bummer. A fox . . . but a bummer, nevertheless. Once again, for the one-millionth time, GOD has fucked me over. Screw you, you FUCKING SON-OF-A-BITCH. Wait, GOD doesn't have a mother . . . or a father for that matter. I guess that makes him a FUCKING BASTARD.
Shit, i think i just totally totally screwed up the cosmic balance of the universe, didn't i? Sorry GOD! You know i'm just playin'!!! (or AM i?)
aaaaah shit, Heather Graham. I'll have you in my clutches. Someday.
Fuck red ferrari's